Thursday, March 16, 2017

Can Stinky Feet Really Make Money Online?

I hesitated in putting this article together, but as the tough financial times continue, I might as well put it out there. They say that desperate times call for desperate measures and maybe this is simply one of those cases. I ran across this potential money-making scenario by accident and never knew a certain sub-culture existed.

While doing a little browsing on eBay, and listing a couple of items for my girlfriend, I stumbled upon a rather odd way that some people have chosen to try and make some extra money. Guess what? It's working.

Forget about that pile of dirty laundry you have waiting for you. Why not pick out those dirty socks and while you are at it, go ahead and grab those old smelly shoes from your closet and turn them into extra cash. Yes, there are people actually looking to pay for the smell of your feet ladies. From the looks of things, the true foot fetish enthusiasts are also willing to shell out big bucks for your scent.

Now, before you slap those fuming socks up on the Internet, there are some things you should know. Certain rules apply to items sold on eBay, although it looks like these are often manipulated to some extent.

Include as many photos as you want – you can now add 12 photos for free. If you’re showing photos of the shoes or socks worn, then photos must be below the knee only.

Your listing needs to state that you will clean the shoes to both eBay’s and the manufacturer’s guidelines. Don’t include anything like “e-mail me if you don’t want me to clean the shoes”. You don’t have to clean the shoes when sending them out, you just need to say that you will.

Do not use the word “fetish” in your listing, or anything relating to it.

Do not mention that they were your favorite shoes. Perhaps you could mention that you wore them during summer, or in a job where you were on your feet every day, etc.

Refrain from using the word “request” in your listing. Ask buyers to e-mail if they have any questions.

Now, for those of you wondering what the buyer (usually male) does with your scentual goodies, well, I will leave that up to you and your imagination.

Do you have any experience selling used socks or shoes?

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